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by Michael Angelo's Bakery

Bubble, Bubble Toil & Trouble #8Holiday




Awesome halloween themed cake! Perfect gruesome cake for all your Halloween enthusiasts. The eyes, tentacles, and bones are all made of fondant. The finishing touches of the worms and bugs make this cake terrifying!

Sizes and pricing 

20-25 Guests  One Size Only


Bones, Eyes and Gooey Theme  $50


Cake flavors are yellow, white, chocolate, marble, and red velvet.  Our most popular specialty fillings are strawberry cassata, chocolate mousse, raspberry mousse and lemon mousse.  Cream cheese is also a great filling for our red velvet cake.  


Select Size

Michael Angelo's Bakery

Mon-Fri | 7:00am - 6:00pm 
Saturday | 7:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday | Closed

Michael Angelo's Winery

Mon-Thurs | 11:00am - 10:00pm
Kitchen | 12:00pm - 9:00pm

Fri-Sat | 11:00am - 11:00pm
Kitchen | 12:00pm - 10:00pm

Sun | 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Kitchen: | 12:00pm - 5:00pm

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